WORTH Sales Results

Program details

WORTH Sales S.U.C.C.E.S.S Program is a proven sales process guide giving you the exact tools to master so you can become an expert sales person and presenter allowing you to take your entrepreneurial business to the next level. 

If you’re a solopreneur or have recently started your own business, you know the most important aspect is getting new clients! But if you’re new to sales and have a hard time knowing how to deal with sales conversations and presentations then getting new clients can feel like an uphill battle.  

“What do I say, how do I overcome all these objections??” And “how do I get these people to commit?” you’re asking yourself? “What am I doing wrong?” Chances are you’re doing most of it right, though maybe your mindset is not quite where it should be when having these conversations. Often it’s the internal work that needs evaluating, before considering the external closing.

Or simply you are so experienced at your skill or industry, selling or the process of communicating value to a customer takes a skill you have not perfected yet. 

Sales is simply a process! Worth Sales S.U.C.C.E.S.S Program will show you on how to become more effective at every stage of the sales process, from prospecting to service after the sale. Take your business beyond where you ever thought possible.

What’s included

  • Comprehensive Program Workbook
  • Someone to practice your techniques on and provide customized and experienced feedback on how to improve at every level. 
  • Weekly zoom/in person sessions up to 2 hours as needed for 3 months
  • Additional Tailored support (via call/email/text when needed)
  • Accountability

Come away with

  • Greater understanding of the Sales Process and your role in it
  • Areas where you struggled and a focussed plan on how to improve. 
  • The ability to practice and perfect. 
  • Measurable Improvement
  • A Professional Sales Mentor for life. 

Sue Wedsworth at WORTHResults Inc. offers life coaching services across the Niagara Region, Greater Toronto Area & West, and
Empowerment speaking services across Canada & USA.