Are you struggling to be your best in a male dominated industry?
For women, entering any male dominated industry takes courage. But what happens to that courage when we are faced with not being taken seriously, being talked down to or just simply feel like a token employee? Learn the 3C's to succeed in your male dominated environment. Learn how to tap into your Courage, develop Confidence and leverage Connections for greater career and workplace success. This Keynote can be delivered either in-person or virtually.
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Do you know that many successful people suffer from Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter Syndrome shows up in many of us as doubting voices, shattering our self-worth and confidence. Taking away our courage to grow and do what we want to be doing. This keynote will show you effective strategies on how to remove doubt, built your Self-Esteem and Worth so you mirror on the inside what you show on the outside! This Keynote can be delivered either in-person or virtually.
Audience Benefits Include:
Many people are victims to circumstances they believe they are not in control of. But you can control them!
Do you relate to someone who is controlled by the circumstances around them or someone who can control your own circumstances. Who takes responsibility for your own life, your own luck, your own circumstances? Well if you want to take control, here is an empowerment keynote or workshop that can help you learn how to take control of everything in your life and work. Learn 3 effective strategies to take control and stop blaming the outside circumstances that you feel plague you in life and work. This keynote can be delivered either in-person or virtually.
Audience Benefits Include: